What is needed to scale up non-cognitive development in education today
This article, published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review in February 2015, calls for the scaling up of non-cognitive learning (e.g., Social and emotional learning, academic attitudes and behaviors) in education. The authors identify four broad categories for expansion of non-cognitive development: (1) collaborations between researchers and teachers; (2) professional development for teachers; (3) systemic reforms in school districts; and (4) efforts between in-school and after-school or expanded-learning time. Examples of currently existing initiatives within each of the four categories are provided.
The authors also identify challenges in scaling up non-cognitive development in schools, including district agenda overload, lack of consistently positive school environments, lack of adequate teacher preparation, and inadequate measurement.
The author also propose two priorities for moving forward: (1) the need of a shift from replication of programs to integration of non-cognitive teaching into daily teaching practice, and (2) helping to change the mindsets of educators.
Citation: Farnham, L., Fernando, G., Perigo, M., Brosman, C. & Tough, P. (2015) Rethinking How Students Succeed. Retrieved on June 26th from http://www.ssireview.org/up_for_debate/